B12 Vitamin Shots – Boost Your Immune System
What Are B12 Vitamin Shots?
B12 vitamin shots are well known to boost mood and energy but did you know that B12 can help boost your immune system too? This versatile B-complex vitamin plays a role in many different systems throughout the body.
Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient required to maintain good general health, some of its most important functions include:
– Making red blood cells
– Making DNA
– Preventing megaloblastic anemia (When your levels are too low, your red blood cells are unable to develop the way they should. Bone marrow cannot release this stunted irregular shape and size into the blood stream as it can with healthy, small and round cells. Therefore oxygen cannot reach vital organs, leading to megaloblastic anaemia, which can cause fatigue and weakness.)
Effects of B12 levels
The human liver is designed to store enough vitamin B12 in the body to last for up to two years. Where this is not the case vitamin levels benefit greatly from being increased by a booster shot. Those in particular who will struggle to absorb B12 include, over 50’s, smokers and those who consume large amounts of alcohol, diabetics, or vegetarians and vegans.
The most common signs and symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency are:
– Cognitive issues, especially those that deal with memory
– Extreme fatigue
– Depression
– Frequent headaches
– Problems with maintaining balance
– Changes in vision
B12 is not made naturally in the body but is needed for basic functioning. It combines with a special protein made by the stomach in order to be absorbed into the body.
Potential improvements from B12 Booster shots
– Increased red blood cell formation
– Prevention of anaemia
– A boost in energy
– Increased bone strength and osteoporosis prevention
– Reduced risk of heart disease
– Eliminate symptoms of depression and give a mood boost
– Improved memory
– Improved skin, hair and nail health
– Prevention of birth defects and promotes a healthy pregnancy
– Stops the development of macular degeneration – an age related eye condition
– Can help balance and regulate or normalise your circadian and sleep-wake rhythm
– Improved cognitive function
Side Effects and Additional notes
– No major side effects
– Slight discomfort and bruising at injection site
– Patients may experience pops of the taste of the vitamin in their mouths the day of the injection
– Likely be a slight orange discolouration to patient urine following the procedure
– Other symptoms include increased energy, alertness and focus.